Sep 18, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday (#4)

Waiting on Wednesday is weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine. Goal is to connect bloggers and readers trough their most anticipated upcoming reads. So, here is what we on Way Too Hot Books can not wait to grab.

Blue Notes by Carrie Lofty

 Book summary:
"For fans of Jamie McGuire and S.C. Stephens, a sizzling new adult novel featuring the tumultuous relationship between a young piano prodigy and a reluctant billionaire playboy—set against the vibrant backdrop of a New Orleans college campus.After being bounced from foster family to foster family, Keeley, a talented pianist, is ready to start over as a junior at Tulane. But when she plays a small concert that attracts the attention of Jude, a brooding playboy and heir to an enormous fortune in the wake of his parents’ tragic death, suddenly Keeley’s life is thrown off balance once again.

Jude is the first person to confront her about the pain behind her music, and she struggles with whether or not to let him into her life, or to keep protecting herself from the hurt that relationships have caused her in the past. But Keeley’s about to learn that the melancholy young billionaire who appears to have everything can open her eyes to exactly what she needs…"
Expected publication date: February 3rd, 2014.

Beautiful Disaster and Thoughtless? Music? Love? That's what we are looking for? So, what do you think - will you read Blue Notes? What is your book of choice this week? Tell us all in comments. And remember -
followin' is a new way of lovin'!



  1. It looks really good, and I love the cover! I'll have to add this to my TBR-list. Great pick!

  2. I like description a lot and I hope it will be good as it looks like.

  3. This sounds like one of those books that will put a smile on your face as you read the last page:)

    Thanks for stopping by my WOW. I followed back.

  4. Great pick. I like cover, title and description. Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Wednesday!

  5. Oh I've seen this around, I think the cover is super cute :D

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    Check out what I'm waiting on!

  6. OMG! I love that cover. How adorable! :D

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  7. Wow! This looks like just what I've been looking for in a NA series. I will definitely be adding this to my TBR pile for next year! Also, that cover is beautiful!

    1. Well, let's just hope description isn't misleading.
      Thanks for stopping by Jenna.

  8. That cover is extremely adorable. I'm not really getting the angsty vibe from it because it's so cute but I'm am definitely intrigued. Totally adding it to my TBR. Music, Love & set in New Orleans. Sign me up!!!

    Here's my WoW

    Debbie @ Keep Calm & Read Romance

    1. Cover is too cute for angsty story, but we will see.

  9. Thanks for stopping by, Glass - happy to return the follow.

  10. A little bit of romance is good. Also love the synopsis and cover for this one. Adding this to my wishlist. New follower via blogloving.

    My WOW

  11. I don't/haven't really read a lot of NA, but this sounds good! Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  12. I really wish May wasn't so far away...

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW and I'm following you back via Bloglovin Glass

  13. This sounds like such a cute read, I might have to pick it up when it's released. I haven't read any NA but I have a few other titles on my tbr pile, so maybe I'll add this one to it as well.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

    1. I hope you'll read it. And you haven't read NA???O.O Really?

  14. This sounds cute and I haven't heard of it before. I have only just started reading NA.

    My WW!

    1. Oh, I remember my first NA book - Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens.:)) Kellan!O.O

  15. This guy's on my TBR list too! I just love the cover.
    Thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies (:

    1. Cyn, I love name of your blog, but it makes me hungry.:)))

  16. I saw this one for the first time last week on someone's WoW. It looks fantastic!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW.

    1. I love WOW exactly because of that - you find so many great books. Bad thing is - you will not have time to read them all even if you manage to somehow read 2-3 books a day.

  17. Sounds like a good book! I love NA:) Thanks for stopping by The Quiet Girl Talks!

    New GFC follower:)

    1. I saw that you added it today on that Thursday meme Nice!:)
      Thank you!

  18. Great Pick. I just added it to my tbr list. Adorable cover & I am a sucker for any hero with the name Jude <3

    Elizabeth @ Blue Eyed Book Reviews

  19. First time I've seen this book but it sounds cute, and reminds me of a Korean drama for some reason. Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. Korean drama...:) I have a friend who is obsessed with those shows. Hm,I don't know, it looks that I'll have to check them out.

  20. Nice pick! The cover is beautiful and the story does seem like something I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Aw, such a cute cover and this sounds like a lovely read. I'm seeing it for the first time and it's something I'd love to read so thanks for putting it on my radar. Great pick!

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my post earlier. Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Sarika, I just hope it wouldn't disappoint us.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  22. This looks such a cute read and the cover is neat!

  23. Ooo, a handsome, young, billionaire playboy? Sign me up!

  24. Wow, I've never found a NA book synopsis that caught my interest like this one! This sounds like a great story---and that cover is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this one!

  25. This one sounds very good. I'm going to put it on my TBR list, Thanks!

  26. I was hooked when they mentioned Beautiful Disaster. This sounds awesome Great pick!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  27. Great pick! I haven't heard of this one yet but it sounds really good. Definitely adding it to my list now!

  28. I'm actually still new to the New Adult genre, but this sounds like a great pick! I especially love books that are actually set at Universities! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Inga @ Miss Inga Page.

  29. I actually haven't heard of this one, but it looks pretty good!
    -Scott Reads It!

  30. Awesome cover :) Sounds great! Hope you'll love it :)
    Thank you for commenting on my WoW. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books


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