Honestly, I’m ready to
take a step back from the Subs Club. Making the kink world a safer place
for subs is the sort of bandwagon I’d have boarded as an idealist in my
early twenties, but now I’m a pragmatist in my late twenties. I prefer
to focus on adopting and raising a child.
But unexpected factors
inevitably derail my plans. Like Drix Seger—attractive and the first
genuine sadist I’ve encountered. If I were not in the process of
renouncing my masochistic ways and becoming the normal, responsible
potential father the adoption agency wants to see, Drix and I might do
well together.
But he has a foolish name and belongs to a cult of vampyres, and I am quitting kink.
So why does Drix’s infatuation with blood and biting make me so hot I
can’t think straight? And why, when he looks at me, does he seem to see
something beyond a basket case with a stick up my ass?
Can I start a new phase in my life without leaving part of myself behind? Please send help.
Rating: 4.5 stars!
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Four books will not be enough! I was all happy and content The Subs Club
would be a four-book series after I finished the first installment, but
that was then and this is now. Now I am older and wiser, and now,
having loved The Subs Club, and Pain Slut, and because I am currently having a lot of fun reading about Kamen in Manties in a Twist,
I don't want to say goodbye to these characters. I would like for each
main character to get another book. They all have more to tell us. Even
Gould, who doesn't talk much, I bet he'd have enough to say for two
books. Anyways, that's what I'm wishing for right now. Book genie, you
know what to do. Make it happen.
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Moving onto Miles, the main man in Pain Slut. Before I started this novel, all I knew about him were a few things I remembered from The Subs Club:
he was smart, he wore cardigans a lot, he was the only pain slut in
their group, and seemed to be the most serious one there. Therefore, I
knew his story wouldn't be as fun to read as Dave's was, and it wasn't.
It may be strange to say this, but that was one of the reasons I liked
this book. Miles and Dave are so different, it was only to be expected
their stories would be too, and I was impressed by how different Miles's
and Dave's perspectives were. So, Miles didn't make me laugh out loud,
but he did win me over in all his perfectionist, overthinking nature.
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was ready to be a father, and was working with an adoption agency. Of
course, Miles being Miles, he was stressed out about the whole adoption
process, and with making sure he looked as the best future father
possible, and then being one when he finally adopted a child. His plan
of being a superior father included saying goodbye to his masochistic
side, and all kinky games. Then he met Drix Seger, and went all Twilight.
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was a vampyre, meaning he was one of the people who believed they
shared traits with vampires; he thought time was a meaningless
construct; he lived in the now; he made decisions about his life without
planing every single little thing... He was very unlike Miles. But he
was something which held a lot of appeal to Miles: a sadist. Be still
Miles's beating heart! That's why Miles decided to postpone quitting
kink, and indulge in it for a while longer with Drix. When he got a
baby, he'd let go of both the vampyre and kink, but over time letting go
of either became more and more unappealing, and it became clear some
change in plans was in order.
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When I finished The Subs Club, I was already a huge fan of all the main characters: Dave, Miles, Kamen, and Gould, and Dave's dom D. After Pain Slut
my feelings are the same. I'm just adding two persons on the list:
Drix, and the kid. Drix, the vampyre PI was adorable, lovely to read
about, and he made Miles happy, more relaxed, and dress in normal people
clothes. I can't think of one thing that I didn't like about him. As
Kamen would say, he was awesome possum, and bit of a miracle worker
seeing how he managed to reduce Miles's stress level repeatedly, and
that did involve some good old SM. The kink content was at times a
little scary for me, and most of it was my first time reading about it,
but Miles enjoyed it, therefore I was happy for him. He & Drix were
simply adorable. Since I'm in the middle of book three right now, I can
say with certainty they become even more cute after the end of Pain Slut.
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ending was my favorite part. I wish I could say why without it being
spoilery, but I don't see how. Suffice it to say, it was so incredible I
get all teary-eyed thinking about it. I loved everything about it.
Well, except that the book was over. I did not like that I was finished
with it.
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with the previous book, I enjoyed the scenes with all the main
characters together, because they have a special kind of friendship.
Plus, I always enjoy their discussions about BDSM and the Subs club. It
was one of such scenes that would be the one I found the funniest. It
wasn't a discussions on kink or their club, but Miles and his new
relationship, and who made it so funny was Dave, of course. The things
that guy says is pure gold.
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was also the book where Kamen met his dom. Lovely meeting, that was.
I'd say I can't wait to read about them more, but I already am reading Manties in a Twist, sooo...
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all in all, amazeballs book in an amezeballs series. I don't want it to
end any time soon, so four more books would be much appreciated. I
don't ask for much, right? Right?
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***ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
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My review of book one, The Subs Club, can be found here.
Until next time, happy reading!