Jul 7, 2014

Learning to Drown by Sommer Marsden

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Book summary:

Ember is into the whole abduction scenario. She tries and tries to coach her boyfriend Damien in the fine art of being her abductor and sexual tyrant. It's not working. One night, while locked in his truck's tool box, she's towed from Damien's property. Lucas Crow, freelance repo man and all around growly dominant, rescues her from her self-imposed prison. He even takes her home, feeds her and gets her cuffs off when it becomes evident that Damien is not coming to her rescue. Taken with Ember and her story, Lucas gives her a choice. Stay in her unhappy relationship and play 'games' (basically dominating Damien by dictating his behavior) or stay with him as his 'captive' and learn what true surrender is. It's like learning to drown, giving up to get where you want to be. Ember is eerily taken with this man and his quiet and sure ways. The more she discovers the more she wants to discover. Like his history, his back story, where that sexy scar in his eyebrow came from. When Ember meets Matthew Crow, she's not sure she can do what might be expected of her. Matthew's everything his brother isn't. He's mouthy, petulant, younger and spoiled. And he informs her on the way to a repo job, that they share women-he and Lucas. And they're going to share her-and he can't wait to get his taste. Ember is torn. Stay and get to experience more of the sexual talents of Lucas and Matthew Crow or leave. Does she stay and learn to drown and maybe experience the erotic levels she truly craves, or does she keep struggling and never learn the joy of submission and surrender?

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My rating: ✮✮✮

My review:

This was one of those books I had expected to be... I can't say dark, but definitely of the darker variety. In reality, it turned out to be a fun read. And by fun I mean the book was full of sexy times. *wink*

As for the protagonists of said times, there was the heroine Ember. When it came to sexual games, she was quite into abduction scenario, but every time she did it with her boyfriend, each time she got more annoyed than it managed to get her off. Then one day, during their game, she got abducted for real. Don't panic. That was just the hero of the book entering the scene to repo the truck of Ember's boyfriend. And with the truck came an unusual... let's call it bonus.

Lucas and the situation Ember found herself in were like something from her fantasies, so even though she knew she should have been afraid, and do everything to get away, instead she was aroused by Lucas, very aroused, constantly aroused. You may think I overused the word aroused, but believe me, I did not. My rough estimate is that Ember was in a state of high arousal during 90% of the book (but it could be more). And good for her, but I would have liked to get to know these characters more deeply, not just what turns them on. I didn't feel like I got to actually get to know any of the main characters. There was only a few pieces of information about their pasts revealed as to explain why they were they way they were, but I'm not going to lie, I would've liked more. For example, Lucas and his brother seemed to have a very interesting relationship going on, something Ember was caught in. I'd like to know how that came to be, how it worked, and would it continue in some way now.

Anyhow, Ember and Lucas meeting was like fate -- she a submissive needing a true Dominant, and not having to top from the bottom (which really was what she was doing with her boyfriend Damien), and he a Dominant who got tired of the women who passed through his life without leaving a trace. Yes, in each other they found what they were looking for without looking for it. You can already guess there was professing of love very early, which, to be honest, I'm always skeptical about, and I usually want to say: "Oh, come on!" However, I didn't let it bother me too much.

Even though I would've changed some things like having more parts in Lucas' POV, and those things I've already mentioned, and a few more, this was an interesting idea, and I had fun reading it.


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